The graduation ceremony for the AHS Class of 2025 will be held on Friday, May 23rd at Tiger Stadium. More details to come.
Alamogordo High School Graduation will be on Friday, May 24th. Gates to AHS Tiger Stadium (103 Cuba Ave) will open at 5 pm and the ceremony will begin at 7 pm. The majority of parking will be on the west side of the stadium, which can be accessed by Tiger Dr., off First St.
Fri, May 24 β Commencement Ceremony
5:00 pm - All gates to the football stadium will be opened.
AHS respectfully requests that all guests remain throughout the entire ceremony.
The ceremony will also be live-streamed on the APS YouTube channel at Alamogordo Public Schools Network
Graduation Ceremony
The 2024 Graduation Ceremony will take place in the Alamogordo High School Tiger Stadium at 7:00 p.m. The graduation ceremony usually lasts approximately 90 minutes. Diplomas will be issued to students during the graduation ceremony. In the event of inclement weather, graduation will be moved into the Tiger Pit. (Please note, if moved into the Tiger Pit, each graduate will only be allowed 2 guests.) A fireworks display will cap off the event at approximately 8:15 pm.
Handicapped Guest Information
Tickets are not required for the ceremonies except for seats in the handicapped section. Adults must pick up tickets for handicapped guests. Only one family member for each handicapped guest is permitted to accompany a handicapped guest. Those people sitting in the handicapped section must give this ticket to the adult supervising the handicapped area. Please contact Jessica Fussell after Fri, May 17, 2024, at (575) 812-6502 to obtain tickets for the handicapped section. You will be required to present a state-issued handicapped placard to obtain a ticket. If you have two family members requiring a handicapped ticket, each member must present their placard to obtain a ticket.
Please remember, no animals, weapons, explosive devices, alcoholic beverages, or electronic cigarettes while on school property.
During the graduation ceremony, only officials will be permitted on the field with the graduates. No cameras or video equipment will be permitted on the field or in the handicapped section for elderly or handicapped guests who cannot sit in the bleachers.
After the ceremony, parents may enter the field to greet graduates. Note that Custodial and maintenance crews will be working to pick up chairs and stage setup. Please also note that only flat-soled shoes (wedges, flats, boots, etc.) may be worn by anyone walking on the field.