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Data-Driven Instruction

In order to determine where students are in their learning, and to ensure they are on track, teachers have numerous tools to assess their levels and drive their instruction.

Teachers will work together in Collaborative Learning Networks (CLNs) on Wednesdays to discuss critical interventions that need to occur to move students as fast as possible.

Academic Engagement Focus

Experiential Learning

A "learning by doing” approach to learning that offers students the opportunity to learn through concrete experiences, reflective observations, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. 

Small Group Purposeful Talk

An instructional practice that incorporates student discussion about the desired learning.

Virtual Academy

Please contact Ms. Irma Montoya,, to notify your interest in your child attending the Virtual Academy. 

Once accepted, your student’s name will appear on the District Virtual Academy list to notify their counselor of the change to the student's schedule from face-to-face to virtual.

Virtual Academy is completely asynchronous on APEX.  There are NO live meets for the students to attend, so your student will not fall behind while waiting for the transition process. 

Please note that some courses, primarily electives, are not available on APEX.

Student work completed in face-to-face courses will not translate to APEX courses. New teachers and new coursework will be assigned once enrolled in the program.

The Virtual Academy teachers have specific Google Classrooms for their Virtual Academy students. These are highlighted in blue on the Google Classroom Codes 21-22SY spreadsheet.

Learn more about Virtual Academy.

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